surely you jest airplane

The Contest - Shirley You Jest! Book Awards.
AIRPLANE the movie is like the Dinar - dinar daily discussions.
Shirley You Jest! Book Awards.
I may have to go with Airplane myself although I laugh just as hard at Naked Gun. . Surely you jest.. airplane, though naked gun is funny too.
Jun 15, 2005. Surely, You Jest. Airplane! What is it? It's a form of transportation that flies through the air, but that's not important now. And don't call me Shirley.
"Airplane" is one of my favs. I think what. Surely anyone could have told you Airplane is the funniest movie ever made.. Surely you jest.
Surely, You Jest. Posted on 15 June 2005 | Comments Off. Airplane! What is it? It's a form of transportation that flies through the air, but that's not important now.
Oct 10, 2011. Dispense with Airplane shtick, this time. Surely You Jest! I seriously doubt this will have a reverse effect and lessen domestic violence.
surely you jest airplane
Dispense with Airplane shtick, this time. Surely You Jest! I seriously.
Shirley You Jest Book Awards honors books by self-published and traditionally published indie authors that “deliver the funny.” The publicity-based prizes .
Nov 29, 2010. A World Without Lesley Nielson - Surely You Jest. Fans of Airplane will get my tribute in the title of this post. The line is adopted from a bit used .
Shirley You Jest Book Awards honors books by self-published and. Rumack: Can you fly this plane, and land it? Ted Striker: Surely you can't be serious.
[Archive] Would a remake of Airplane! work? Surely you noticed that there WAS a "TSA"-like gag in there, even though this .. Question about Airplane!, though: Does someone know the source of that gag, "Surely you jest".
Shirley You Jest Book Awards honors books by self-published and traditionally published indie authors that “deliver the funny.” The publicity-based prizes .
Misc. Ramblings: Surely, You Jest.
Surely, You Jest. | Misc. Ramblings.
I may have to go with Airplane myself although I laugh just as hard at Naked Gun. . Surely you jest.. airplane, though naked gun is funny too.
Topic: R.I.P. Leslie Nielson.
Surely You Jest... Leslie Nielsen Passes at 84 - Baltimore Sun.